The benefit of the Business Technology Platform are so called Services. These are features build and delivered in packages. Some of them you can subscribe to and some of them you need to deploy on your tenant.
Useless? Keep it all together in one system like in the past? Ask yourself this question:
Can you make a change to a service and deploy it by itself without changing anything else?
Sam Newman (“Building Microservices”)
Most of the time, your answer will be “No”. This results in the Extensibility strategy of SAP for the cloud. Only by splitting things into distributed containers, we’re able to shift from heavy-code monolithic applications to services (and microservices) with small responsibilities and abilities.
The subscription model

On the Platform you’ll find a lot of services, provided by SAP, you can subscribe to. By adding an entitlement to a service you have (sometimes) the option to choose between different plans. All of this plans will cost you “CPEA”-Credits. This belongs to the consumption-based model for the Business Technology Platform. Talk to your SAP contact and find more details about this model here.
Have a look at the CPEA estimator for the Business Technology Platform to get a first impression about the costs of a service subscription.
Keep in mind: The CPEA estimator is providing you just a first drop of the costs you can estimate. Sometimes the costs are related to the count of API calls, Runtime memory or traffic amounts. The “Data Quality Management” (DQM) Service for example has a fixed-price for up to 425 calls per month. Starting with 426th call, you’ll pay 0,06 Euro more for each call.

Confused? Frustrated? Lost?
Let us help you!
Together we’re discovering the jungle of Services for the Cloud Platform: Searching and defining your needs, setting up architectures, detecting related service plans, finding ideas to save costs and finally; calculating costs. We do have the expertise and ideas, to save costs on service subscriptions – contact us!