What is a devOps strategy about?
Transparency, functionality, operations and demands of your infrastructure are the key drivers of your devOps strategy. Comparing it with your ‘old R/3 onPremise’ world you did realize it with SAP Solution Manager.
So you did set up transport-pipelines between dev-stage-prod and maybe added some code checks or testing capabilities. All these opportunities and more you have within the devOps strategy you should set up for your Business Technology Platform environment.
devOps isn’t something specific to SAP but by joining the world of web-development within your UI5 webapp and nodeJS apps running on your Cloud Foundry environment, it’s time to adjust your devOps strategy for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) within your new apps.
Therefore we’re providing you 2 examples within our public CIT template repository for the two most common Source-Code-Management systems (SCM):
Easy example with git hub for your CI/CD
Our target is to build and deploy a UI5 app.
Check out the folder “.github/workflows” and open the “main.yml“.
This file represents the git hub pipeline, we do provide.
Before we can use this file – you should review the triggers. Does it fit to your branche? Change it to another branche you did create on your repository (I guess it’s “main”) if necessary.
And commit this file. Do not worry, you will get a mail within a failed pipeline message from github, looking like this:
Why? We need to supply the secrets! The build did work but the deployment failed.
Click on “Settings” on your github repository. Select tab “Secrets” and add “New repository secret” for these attributes:
CF_ORG (this is the subaccount name), CF_USER and CF_PASSWORD (this is your S-Account, please check your S-Account is added as member of the space, you will mention now), CF_SPACE
Open the “Actions” tab again and start your workflow (again) by selecting the workflow and clicking on “Re-run jobs”.
Click on each of that items inside your (running?) workflow and check out what’s happening. These 2 jobs will do exactly what they are named to – they do “build the mta” and “deploy the mta to cf”. This will give you some first hand investigation time within the mbt build and CF CLI.